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Alcohol and Drug Services

Family and Couples Counseling/Therapy

Provided to guide a family/couple toward treatment goals, Family and Couples Counseling/Therapy efforts in treatment may include, but are not limited to decreasing conflict, increasing communication, modifying behaviors and attitudes, and increasing supportive relationships within the system. Psycho-education also occurs in the Outpatient treatment process.  These services are intended to assist the client, their family members and/or their support system in understanding mental illness and/or alcohol/drug abuse and addiction issues.  The information on the nature of the illness, course of the illness, known etiological factors, and treatment options and interventions are provided in an effort to help the client and their family/supports understand the many facets of mental health and/or alcohol/drug diagnosis.

Group Counseling/Therapy

The goal of group counseling/therapy is to provide clients the opportunity to explore attitudes, feelings, behaviors and mechanisms to process life experiences, develop adaptive coping strategies and explore life alternatives while striving toward treatment objectives.  Goals are met through the provision of didactic sharing, group discussion, and/or guided group exercises in an effort to attain treatment goals, increase coping skills and gain greater personal insight.

Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP)

Intensive outpatient treatment program is a clearly identified, separate and distinct program. The intensive outpatient program consists of a scheduled series of sessions appropriate to the person-centered plans of the persons served.   Intensive outpatient service means structured individual and group alcohol and drug addiction activities and services that are provided for a minimum of eight hours per week with services provided at least three days per week.

Individual and Group (CPST/CM)

The service is provided individually and in a group format as appropriate.  The major goal of this service is to provide the client with the opportunity to live within the community and to function at the highest level of recovery possible for the individual.  The goal of the service is to assist clients in gaining access to all services and resources available to meet their basic needs for living – such as medical, social, educational, vocational, etc.  Alcohol and drug clients are assisted to increase their ability to gain and maintain sobriety and improve their quality of life.  These services are provided to enhance the quality of the client’s life and to promote human dignity.

Other Alcohol and Drug Services

Westwood Behavioral Health Center, Inc. provides other alcohol and drug services in accordance with ODMHAS Certification and CARF International standards.  The current services provided are described below.

The Domestic Violence Program is provided to intervene in family violence and provide clients the skills necessary to resolve conflict in adaptive and productive ways.  This service is provided in cooperation with the local courts.  Registration/screening is completed by the Center based upon court referrals.  A behavioral/violence screening, to ensure appropriateness for the program, is part of the registration/screening process.  The program is held on one Saturday each month from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 3:30 p.m. Participants may be referred for additional treatment if indicated.

Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing (EBAT) and Urine Drug Screen (UDS) services are provided to Alcohol & Drug clients, the courts, and employers through EAP and DOT services in accordance with ODMHAS Certifications Standards and DOT Regulations.  The Center utilizes these tests to ensure treatment compliance and abstinence during treatment as appropriate.  The services are also provided to court and employer referred clients when ordered and/or requested by the courts or employer.

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