Crisis Intervention
Crisis Intervention Services at the Center include a comprehensive continuum of services, including telephone or face-to-face contact, face-to-face Crisis Intervention (C/I) and/or Crisis Mental Status Exam for hospitalization as appropriate. Staff responds to the individual’s situation in a manner that helps to stabilize the client, meet their needs and improve their quality of life. These services are provided in a climate that promotes dignity and respect, making any necessary referrals to provide ongoing support until the crisis is resolved or the client is equipped to cope successfully without further services.
Crisis Mental Status Exam (CMSE)
Services are provided to maximize the client’s stability by developing a crisis management plan or by securing a safe environment, utilizing the least restrictive setting as possible.
Referral and Information Service
This service is provided in collaboration with other health and human service providers in Van Wert and Paulding Counties. A system will be utilized to compile information about services available from various providers within the health and human services network of the community. Mechanisms will be employed to determine whether referred individuals were able to access services, were satisfied with the services, or experienced any problems with the referral source. This information will be used to decide if particular systems will continue to be used as referrals for persons seeking services. All state and federal confidentiality laws will be adhered to in this process.